Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Reggie Evans First to be Fined for Flopping

Reggie Evans has had the stigma of flopping attached to him for a while, and Nets fans knew they should expect that in the games. But once the NBA initiated fines for flopping, fans around the league wondered how that would affect the floppers of the league.

After getting a warning and now being the first player to receive a disciplinary flopping fine, it does not look like Reggie Evans is going to change his style so soon.

Adrian Wojnowski (who else?) reported the news first.
It should probably be mentioned that Evans "starred" in the NBA video on flopping prior to the season.

Five thousand may not seem like a lot to a professional NBA player, but for someone of Evans' caliber, it has a greater affect that say Blake Griffin or someone like that. Evans was first fined during the Boston Celtics game. Evans's next offense would get him a $10,000 fine followed by a $15,000 for the offense after that. Then  it would rise to $30,000 for a flop and if he reaches six offenses, he could receive a possible suspension.

Here's a video of the flop (via Hardwood Paroxysm)

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