Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Life With Gerald Wallace

Gerald Wallace recently sat down and spoke with Adam Figman, the associate editor of Slam Magazine The questions were very interesting and reflective towards Wallace's lifestyle.

SLAM: Tell me a little about your hometown.
Gerald Wallace: I grew up in Childersburg, AL. It’s mostly family-oriented. Everyone knows everyone.
SLAM: Were you into fishing as a kid, too?

GW: Nah, that’s something I picked up when I was older, when I wanted to relax. You really just want to go out there and be calm and enjoy the water—I don’t even eat fish—but [I enjoy] the relaxation and joy of catching it. The more I did it, the more comfortable and the more exciting it became to me.
SLAM: You grew up in a small town and played in small markets your whole career until the Nets moved to Brooklyn. What’s the adjustment been like?

GW: It’s been cool. It’s not as bad as everybody thinks.

SLAM: Do you spend any free time in the city?
GW: Nah, I don’t go into the city, period. Not at all. Not unless it’s gameday. I don’t do the city—the city’s not my style.
SLAM: Why’d you start the Gerald Wallace Foundation?
GW: It gives me an opportunity to give back to kids, an opportunity as someone who’s fortunate to do some of the things for kids that growing up I wouldn’t be able to do. I wouldn’t have gone to a lot of basketball camps and I wasn’t able to go out and do a lot of the things that other kids were doing, just being raised by a single parent trying to raise two kids. So my foundation gives back to kids who are growing up the same way that I was, to give them an opportunity to experience things that more than likely they wouldn’t be able to.
It's hilarious to me how Wallace never goes into the city. I understand being from Alabama is very different compared to New York. His hobbies would be less enjoyable but you would think he would at least shop around or something.

Read more here - Slam Online

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